Loss of long-term planning capability: a threat to energy security
In modern times, when we are overwhelmed by a constant stream of information and short-term stimuli, people seem to be losing the ability to plan for the long term and to perceive risks and hazards. This phenomenon is also reflected in the energy sector, where society has become dependent on a steady supply of cheap electricity and heat, and worse, EXPECTS THOSE SUPPLIES TO BE THE SAME. However, it appears that this certainty may be in jeopardy in the short term of 2-3 years.
Recent trends and events in the energy sector suggest that the stable energy supply we have become accustomed to may no longer be as commonplace as it seemed. Increasing volatility in energy markets, geopolitical instability and the challenges of climate change are just some of the factors that are forcing us to rethink our approaches to energy security.
Clearly, those who did not react to clear danger signals and address the situation in a timely manner may be exposed to significant risks in the near future.
One possible solution is to build its own energy centre to ensure energy independence and reliable supply of both electricity and heat. Surprisingly, such devices could deliver energy significantly cheaper in the long run than will be common in the market.
Virtual pipeline, power plant and heating plant in one.
(Combined with occasional sources then an ideal mix)
The concept of the energy centre, based on the so-called. “virtual pipeline” is one of the innovative approaches to address this issue. It is a device that combines different energy sources such as gas tanks (LPG or LNG) and intermittent sources such as photovoltaic plants, heat pumps or wind turbines. In this way, a balanced and reliable energy supply can be achieved even in situations where traditional sources are unavailable or expensive.
One of the main advantages of such energy centres is the elimination of transmission charges that are often associated with supplying energy through traditional grids. This makes it possible to reduce energy costs for users while increasing their energy security.
In short, it is time to wake up and start thinking seriously about the future of energy security. Relying on traditional energy suppliers to the point of ignoring potential risk factors can be very dangerous. Building our own energy centre can be the key to ensuring stability and security in the energy sector, not only for us but also for future generations.